Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Brother

I love this picture. My brother had the honor of being asked to preach at my Dad's church the day after the wedding and we ALL (I think we doubled the attendance that Sunday) got to go hear him. John is the Pastor of a very fast-growing church in their rural Pennsylvania town and now I know why. He was great!! The message was straight from the Scripture, alive, challenging, full of hope and complete with an invitation to know Jesus. I don't have to tell you that we were all bursting with pride -- the good kind, of course! So, here is my Mom, totally in her element with 3 grandkids to hover her wing over while watching her son preach. In her own words, it was a "magical moment". I wanted to get a picture of John, too, but Greg said I was distracting so no pulpit shot. However,.... we are later that day at the beach with him in the foreground. His AWESOME wife, Suzie is the little head between my Mom and neice (Where is a better picture of you, Suzie?? ANOTHER fumble of the sorry photographer). They are a great family with truly amazing kids. Ready for this? Emily has Bible studies with other kids on the playground during recess. LOVE IT! And Cole? He can complete a Rubik's Cube in 60 seconds. Wow! Ok, I'm verging into the sinful sort of pride aren't I....

Anyway, more to come on our special beach time next!
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kirsten said...

No worries, still the good kind of pride:)
What fun you had, sounds completely special. I'm glad you had such a wonderful, special family time.

liesel said...

I was looking real closely to see if Josh was making any hand gestures. Nope. I think he was exercising restraint.