Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Day

First of all, I couldn't believe it but we got snow again this year!!! Granted, it was just a dusting but SNOW WAS FALLING as we dug into our stockings!


Christmas Day was very sweet, spent quietly just the three of us until the evening came and we headed to Greg's parents' house. Before I post about the Banks Bash Christmas, a little shout out to some very wonderful grandparents: Thank you Grandpa & Gram for the night vision goggles! As you can see, everyone is enjoying them...


Thank you Grammy for the looooooong-coveted Lego set! After being drug to the toy aisle 37 different times over this, there is much relief in our home tonight.


And thank you, Pop, for contributing some great accessories for this!


Joshua had to go on a massive treasure hunt to finally end up right back under the tree. Somewhere between clues #11 & 12, Greg snuck everything out and plugged it all in. What a surprise it was! The concerts have been rockin'. :)

Day 8, so blessed!
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Friday, December 24, 2010

Days 6 & 7

Yesterday Greg got off work early and we went to see the very Christmasy movie, 'Megamind'. I really thought it would be mega mindless but it was pretty good! I was pleasantly surprised. After that, we went shopping... for nothing... just for fun. There is such freedom in watching all the freak-outs who waited til the last minute, knowing YOU have nothing else to buy! Its kinda dark entertainment.

Today we slept in, sort of. There's been no real sleeping-in with a certain someone in the house. I mean, Christmas is just so close! Even the usual constant fidgeting and distractability is amped up to immeasurable levels. Examples: In a wild, excited motion today, my kitchen curtains came craching down. Later, he made it to the car with just one shoe and sock on. At dinner, he was bouncing on the booth seat so much I thought he was going to catapult Greg to the ceiling. It's nice to know that the approaching Christmas morning is still so thrilling to a 9-year-old!

So tonight (after a pleasant day of not much, and secret tweakings of this and that) we will end our day watching 'The Nativity'. I love going to bed with that vision of my Savior's humble, precious beginning. Of course, He has no beginning. I guess, rather, I love the part where He chooses to visit us for awhile -- in that humble, precious way...

Good night, and Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 5

Today we stayed in our pjs, played games (even Monopoly), and built our very 1st gingerbread house! Since I've never done this before, we went the easy route and bought the kit with the ready-made pieces. Does anyone actually start from scratch on these? I really would like to know. Maybe we'll try it next year...



On a side note, the most bizarre thing happened this morning. We were minding our own business when we heard a very loud "BANG!" on our front door. Josh ran over to see who (or what) it was -- and there was a huge owl laying on our doorstep! By the time I could get my camera, it had flown up to our neighbors' basketball hoop to shake off the rest of the stars swimming around its head.


That doesn't happen every day so do you think we can count it as another 'special'??
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 4


Our special today was meeting the little bunch of cutie cousins for laughs and milkshakes! It makes me smile when I see how they all light up when they see each other. When Josh walked in today, it was like Santa had arrived! Baby Bryce, especially, thinks ANY thing that ANY one of them does is just hilarious. To me, they're all just as sweet as my favorite peppermint chocolate shake with whip cream and a cherry on top!!
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Monday, December 20, 2010

Days 2 & 3

Well, my camera didn't come with me on Day 2 but it was still special. Last night we went to our friends home for dinner where Joshua got to play with his buddy and we got to play with ours. Don't you love it when the hours seem like minutes?

Day 3 was consumed with something Josh has been looking forward to for WEEKS. Today, we made cut-out cookies! This is really an event that belongs to Grammy but we're not able to be with her this year so I did it in her honor. Mom, you can check out the finished product and let us know if you approve! We missed you!



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Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Nine Days of Christmas

School is done, presents are done -- time to celebrate!! I decided to do a little something special each day through Sunday, starting with yesterday. Hopefully, I'm faithful to blog every day through Christmas (or as long as my ailing camera holds out... hint, hint, Santa). Here's day one!

Since we had Greg with us all day we made it a little bigger 'special'. We started on the town square at our favorite greasy cheeseburger joint.


Then we walked around the shops and landed at Starbucks for some coffee and treats.


And then - my favorite part - we went ice skating!! It's the newest addition to the square and something we've been so excited to try! Greg has never ice skated and opted to just watch us this time. I think he was secretly wishing he'd changed his mind. He told me we were crazy out there with all those people and he'd do it on a pond with us if he was ever gonna try it. Who's crazy?!?

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It's never a good sign when your child gets in the car after school and starts out with, "Mom, please don't say anything until I get all the way through the story."

He's had his first trip to the principal's office.

I would be a little more uptight if I didn't grow up with a brother. He was always up to some mischief that could have also been called 'experiments'. How else would you label tests that answer questions like, "What will happen if I karate chop the toilet paper holder?". Or, "What's the velocity necessary to swing on this tree vine to get to the other tree?" Followed by, "How long does it take to be able to draw breath after slamming to the ground?" Then there's the sort of test that asks, "What's the most vindictive way to end my source of pain?" A great mystery of why my Disco Donald Duck record was wet one afternoon many years ago was solved at my wedding rehearsal dinner. My brother confessed that he peed on it. He was sick of hearing it.

He came by it honestly. My Dad, when he was a boy, needed to answer pressing questions for himself like, "What will be the reaction of my teacher and fellow students if I put a tack in each of their chairs?"

So you see how it would be understandable that I would be a 3rd grader walking down the hall and see my brother grabbing his ankles for the teacher to give him a walloping (boy things were different then)! And it may be understandable how Josh got in trouble for playing a game called, "If I Can Pull You Out Of Your Chair, You Lose". He lost, alright.

I take heart by the fact that my Dad and brother are now two of the most respectable, Christ-honoring -- and good-humored, I might add -- men I know. I couldn't be prouder to introduce you to either of them. If Josh turns out to be like either of them it will a mother's labor that was not in vain.

Our conversation in the car ended in a barrage of tears and fears that there would not be any presents under the tree. Oh, repentance! It's a wonderful thing...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Table of Blessings


This year I asked each person coming to our home to tell me something they were thankful for and give me a scripture that meant something to them. That special information became the centerpieces for our tables. I had so much fun scripting it and putting it all together! The gamut of thankful things ran from family health to Tinkerbell (my 2-year-old niece).:)

I am thankful for a family that loves God and so readily has something good to share. And to the rest of my family literally scattered across the world -- you are loved and missed! You would have had some treasures to share as well. Wish you were here...


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Monday, November 22, 2010

Goodbye, Kodiak


If there's a reception for 'good and faithful dog', it has welcomed you.

October 5, 1998 - November 19, 2010
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Saturday, November 13, 2010

What a Widow Wants

You'd think that doing a day of heavy yard work for a complete stranger would be no fun. Well, honestly, to get myself out of the bed, I did have to re-focus a little bit because it did not sound like fun at all. But we had been imploring and cajoling our group of young marrieds for weeks:

"Remember the charge given to us in James 1:27 -- 'Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows...'"

A sweet widow from our church had asked if anyone would mind helping her clear out a few fallen limbs from her yard. We put a date on the calendar and waited to see who would participate...

As truck, after car, after truck pulled up her street that fine, freezing morning, our widow covered her mouth and began to cry. I had to fight back a few tears myself because I didn't know what to expect. There were over 20 happy faces that came willing and ready to work! Thank God for that because there were more than 'a few limbs' involved. When all was said and done, some manpower and a couple of chainsaws...


...turned into this.


And an acre of thick leaves and overgrown vines and shrubbery...


...turned into this.


We were exhausted. And at church the next morning we were all laughing at how sore we were! Laughing. Which was just more of what we'd had from the day before because, guess what? It was FUN!!
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Here It Comes...


I snapped this picture about a week before Halloween. Those of us standing around were shaking our heads and talking about how ridiculous it was to start the Christmas commercialization already. Yep. Uh-huh. The secret, though... that I really like it! I was way ahead of these guys, actually. I was told by the bigger person in our house not to get our own decor out but I really want to. I've been listening to Nat King Cole on the sly. I have a few gifts that Santa has already entrusted me with. I bought a pretty, festive sweater in case anyone wants to invite me to an early party. I've been wearing my pj pants with ornaments on them. I've got it bad.

The downside to this is that by December 1st, I'm done.

For now, though, you can shake your head at me, tell me my pumpkins are still on the front porch, and remind me its not even Thanksgiving. SO ridiculous! :)
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Monday, November 1, 2010

A Different Costume


I should have seen it coming. After all, I heard the snipping very loudly. Remember the look on Josh's face last year in his costume? We were so creative and received so much praise for the lego-man we made him into, but he never looked excited about it. Months ago I asked him what he wanted to be this year. He never had a response. All my clever ideas sounded boring to him. Finally, he came clean -- he didn't want to dress up. He wanted to pass out candy.

I slowly and reluctantly adjusted to the thought and imagined, this time, how cute it would be for him and Greg to do it together (usually, that's Greg's job). But last night we were informed in no uncertain terms that passing out candy was his gig ALONE! Greg and I had to just about appear not to live here at all. Snip, snip.

We conceded. I hid in the shadows and listened to every kid get greeted by my son with lots of adoration. He let them each pick their favorite candy out of the bowl and sent them off with the friendliest, "Happy Halloween!" It was sweet. He was great. I was proud. Guess his costume this year was a young man. Snip, snip...


He consented to me taking this one picture, which was very generous of him. Then it was back to the shadows. The snip, snip? Of course it's that ol' apron string...
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

How To Start A Fire

1. Carefully assess the situation


2. While one man is rubbing sticks together, the other man should secure deer head.


3. Not a bad idea if someone intercedes for firestarters.


4. Score justly. (100 pts. possible)

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Good Friends + No Kids = Woo Hoo!

I'm saying that but, of course, we missed our kids terribly. That's not to say we had no fun! No, indeed. A few days with our friends, Mike & Amy, at our favorite spot was another cherished entry in the mental scrapbook of memories. The weather was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, the food was scrumptious, the company was inspiring (and hilarious), and we were worn out from lots of great hikes -- in that very gratifying way. It's nice to have friends whose idea of a good time together isn't doing too much or too little...

It was just right!





It was such a blessing to get away! Thanks, Mike and Amy, for being like family. Can't wait to do it again!
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Sunday, October 17, 2010

The 4th Grade Dirt Pile

Every fall a wonderful family from our school class hosts a big bonfire and chili cookoff out at their place. They have what every kid dreams of -- acreage, ponds and streams, a basketball barn and (best of all) a gigantic pile of dirt. You wouldn't believe how much these monkeys look forward to this event.... mostly because of the dirt. We parents kinda don't look at what goes on up there. It cramps their style. I understand. Most of childhood existence has to be so micromanaged now, that the fun of being totally let off the leash is rare and starved for, don't you think? Joshua did push one girl off the hill in the attempt to be king, but now (after a little talk) we know that's not very chivalrous of a would-be king...

See what you learn from the dirt pile?


And these are the most amazing Moms I know! What's my mug doing in this picture, I scratch my head and wonder? I'm telling ya, what these Moms do with their time, and what they sacrifice for the education of their kids is inspiring. I just sit in their presence and listen to their wisdom most the time. Makes my head spin...


Thank you so much Travis and Becky! You're pretty cool. Oh yeah, and so are all you Dads! Got 'Dirt Pile 2011' already on my calendar.
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Friday, October 15, 2010

'For Sale or Lease'


I kid you not, that's what the sign says on this "structure". I know times are tough, but I had no idea our hungry builders had taken to cutting these kinds of corners. So sorry the picture's not clearer. Greg doesn't always feel its as urgently necessary as I do to ensure material for photographic commentary.:)

And yet another reminder of how countrified we're getting? On a recent trip to Tulsa, we were strolling on the sidewalk in the center of downtown and Joshua asked (in awe), "Are we in New York City?!?". Poor child.
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