Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Me & Amy


Amy is one of my sweetest and best friends - a kindred spirit that I have missed very badly over the last year-and-a-half. I have been waiting for an opportunity to blog about her and I got my perfect 'in' this last weekend when our families met for a weekend getaway! When Amy and I met, she was a newlywed and I was newly pregnant. Her bright, fun, earnest personality instantly connected me to her. Throw in a penchant for silliness and the fact that she is just so beautiful and filled with a love for Jesus and, wow, how could she not be MY friend?!? Actually, I'm humbled that she hangs with me, and hang we did the last few days! To say we had a great time would be an understatement. Among the many moments....

Partying with our coffee! (that she doesn't drink)

Doing the 'Uncle Rico'. I LOVE her face! And I gotta say, one of the first things we ever did together was dress up in our veils and jewelry and watch each others' wedding videos. Someone later saw our pictures from that day and asked her, "Don't you guys have anything better to do?", and she answered, "This WAS the better thing to do". Love it.

Parting once again. Greg took a great picture but it was kind of sad....

We all had a wonderful time and I will share more soon but I just had to give you a little of Amy first. No more year-and-halfs, I promise!
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Anonymous said...

You both are blessed to have each other. A good friend is something to treasure. Glad you all had the opportunity to spend time together. Love, Mom

Amy Wages said...

Sigh.....thanks for such a sweet post. Seeing you was like a tease though and it's even harder to have y'all gone again. :( You're the best!! :)

Charissa said...

Are you matching on purpose????

Morgan said...

Oh, I wish I could've been there posing like Uncle Rico!!