Thursday, May 7, 2009

Birthday, Part II

Thanks to the rain, we had to do all our experiments in the garage but it worked out great, making it more 'lab-like'. And the rain, well, isn't that perfect for mad science?

We had a great time watching an egg get sucked into a boiling hot bottle, making a suspension glob, picking up salt and pepper with static electricity, making lava lamps, faking a lightning strike into our model clay figures (with paper clip arms), shooting film canister rockets, and exploding diet coke.



I love the following picture for two reasons: Joshua excitedly anticipating which way his rocket is going to go, and Madeline with her nose right down in the vinegar. She kept telling me how she LOVES the way in smells!


For our grand finale, PaPa gave a lecture on biofuel and gave quite and example of it from a homemade contraption he brought.


The formula? 1 part carbonite + 2 parts water + 1 lit match = an immediate addendum to the HOA covenant. Let's just say it put our Coke bottle explosion to scornful shame! The scientists were well-pleased.
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liesel said...

Ha ha, that's great. I bet he would love studying about Thomas Edison. We just finished a short study about him and I was amazed!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous party! I wish I could have been there. Hopefully, Anna will show an interest in science. She did pretend to "drill" for buried fossils in her sandbox last week and I got to bury some of my favorite rocks for us to discover. I definitely don't see explosions happening soon, though. She thought the orchestra was too noisy! Anyway, Happy Birthday Joshua!!

Anonymous said...

What more could an 8-year old boy want on his birthday - he is surounded by friends, he is blowing things up and his grandfather is there to lead the way. How cool is that. (If you do hear from the HOA's legal representatives, just tell them the "whole story." If they are grandparents, they will certainly understand.) Love, Grammy

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous birthday party! I bet the kids had a ton of fun, I know I would have. Glad to see it worked out despite the rain. I know you were always optimistic that it would and never worried once =) Happy birthday to Joshua! He looks so grown up.
Lots of love

kirsten said...

Love it! Very Creative birthday party.