Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fun Family Friends

The weekend together with the Wages was a blessing for all of us. It was a gorgeous weekend at Big Cedar Lodge! We had so much fun just walking around the grounds, pool-hopping with the kids, enjoying outdoor cafe meals, and staying up into kid-free, bleary-eyed hours talking about lots of good stuff.


Josh and Evie were total buds the whole time! Contrary to what we anticipated, no re-adjustment to each other was necessary. Just like old times Evie was immediately falling out onto the floor being silly - love that girl. Why does that work so well? Maybe I should try that in my new Sunday School class....


The kids had the benefit of a common interest in looking under every rock and peering in every stream. They actually found some pretty cool stuff! In this exploration they were checking out a giant crawdad which soon prompted an urgent call for Dads to come see the 'lobster'.


I'm not really sure what Mike was going to do to the lobster here but at least the kids were in good hands!


I have so many great pictures (especially of the kids), it was really hard to condense it to these! I have one more special thing to post, though -- something I've wanted to brag about for 2 years!
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Jill said...

pretty sure I haven't heard the word "crawdad" since I left Florida

Amy Wages said...

Can we go back in a couple of weeks?? ;)