Friday, May 22, 2009

Ainsley Elizabeth

What did I want to brag about....

About 2 years ago, one Sunday morning, my friend Amy wisked me out to the courtyard gardens at church. She was excited to tell me something (already very pregnant, what other news could she possibly have?). Imagine my heart when she told me that she and Mike decided to give their baby's middle name my middle name -- after me! Wow. What an honor. How humbling! Of course there were tears, and of course I immediately bonded with that unborn baby girl. And as if that weren't enough, I also had the priviledge of actually being present for her birth! So amazing.

Well, here is that precious little one, Ainsley Elizabeth, throwing rocks in the lake with me this last weekend. It was a special little moment with someone I hope to always have a sweet relationship with!



I never had a daughter but I always thought that, if I had been blessed with one, I would name her 'Elizabeth', after the grandmother that I was named after who means so very much to me. God has His little ways of giving you a nugget of gold and this is one of those treasures.
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Amy Wages said...

I'm so glad that Ainsley got to spend time with "Jenn" (as she called you.) As she grows it will be fun for you two to "bond" and share memories together. Won't it be great!?!

Anonymous said...

Oh how beautifully sweet! She is precious and the smile on your face is wonderful:)


Charissa said...


Shannon said...

Oh good grief! You just made me cry! That's so awesome.