Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy 30th, Kristin!!!


Surprise!!! That's what my sister-in-law, Kristin, got from over 30 of us when she walked out into the garage Friday night! She was surprised indeed, as evidenced by the shock and happy tears. All of Becky's hard work and planning was well-paid off in that moment. Then came the food - oh my! David's fine smoked ribs were front and center. Greg didn't care who's birthday it was - get that boy a plateful now!! Becky had assigned me the job of homemade ice cream. Never made that before but I saluted her with a "Yes, Ma'am!" and came up with a sort of strawberry slush.

Now, you have to understand that Kristin is the eternal giver. Her conversations are always directed toward YOU. She always wants to know how she can pray for YOU, help YOU out, etc. She always thinks of herself last if she even remembers to think of herself at all. So it really was fun to put HER up for some attention for awhile and here's what happens when she finally gets let loose. That sweet girl....


Love you, sister!
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