Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's November 6th, two days after the election, and you'd think I had a lot to mull over right now.  I don't.  Everything worth examining and praying over, the struggles with the consequences from one canditate vs. the next, the hopes and fears associated with them, the significance of the times as God sees it -- all of it has been belabored in my soul for months already.  Yesterday I felt like King David.  After he had his affair with Bathseba, she got pregnant, and then he had her husband killed, David's infant son was born very sick.  He spent days on his face before God, repenting, full of sorrow and begging God for mercy.  God had His way and He took that baby home.  When David was told the news, he picked himself up, cleaned up, worshiped the Lord and got something to eat.  His servants were bewildered about that but David's response was (my paraphrase) "What's done is done.  I hoped and prayed for another outcome but God is Sovereign and it's time to move on." We've all kind of been David.  We took our eyes off the Lord and had an affair with our wallets.  We may lose some things very precious to us as a result.  On our faces before the Lord is the place we ought to be if we haven't been there yet but then it's time to get up, clean up, worship God and have some sustenance.  No President saves us, no matter what party.  Our hope is in GOD alone and that never changes.  That's refreshingly good news to me.    


liesel said...

I love your perspective.

Delahne said...

Amen, sister!

Amy Wages said...

Thank you, as always, for your wisdom!

RoverHaus said...

I really like what you said about our hope being in God alone. It's funny how our minds default in looking to a person, system, church, or government to give us some hope or guarantee.

Walking humbly before the Lord really is the best place to be.

Thanks for the post!

kirsten said...

Another Amen!!

Anonymous said...

Dittos to the Amen sister!!!