Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Elizabeth Phillips


When people ask "Who is your hero?", this is the woman that comes to my mind every time. She personifies the consumate 'everything' that a girl aspires to be: faithful wife, loving mother/grandmother/great-grandmother, Biblical and all-other-things scholar, brilliant wit and conversationalist (NO one can say things like she can - can I get an 'Amen' from someone who knows her?), unsurpassable apple pie maker, teacher, musician, artist, world-traveler, gardener, economist, would-be politician, and best hugger ever. Those hugs are called 'whoofers' and they're warm and wonderful. I'm happy to have my middle name after her and I only hope I can be just like her when I grow up.


Here she is with all her greats, or 'cherubs', as she calls them.


And here is one of her cherubs. It blesses me that he adores her like he does. She has a legacy that is catching, for sure. It sure caught me.
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Anonymous said...

Here is a hearty "AMEN" Elizabeth Phillips is a treasure and I count myself blessed to know her.

Juls said...


kirsten said...

You are already very much like her...

Anonymous said...

Amen! Just reading your description reminded me of how much Anna liked her woofers and how much I laughed at some of her phrases! She is SO wonderful. She told me that if I didn't like what I was hearing, I should "put it in my sifter and say, 'that's not part of my recipe, I'm baking this cake.'" Maybe you had to be there, but I often find myself saying 'that's not part of my recipe.' Love your blog Jenny! XO, Carolyn