Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"The Tyranny of the Urgent"

That's the name of a book I heard about on the radio this morning. I was listening to my most beloved former pastor, Dr. Adrian Rogers (now with Jesus), talk about time. Time. Unlike most other commodities, we can't buy it, save it, borrow it, lend it or go back and retrieve it. It's a great leveler -- we all get the same amount of it, yet, it always seems like someone else has more! Have you ever met someone who was so busy they had nothing to talk about except how busy they were? That's been me at times. I think it gave me the false feeling of being important. But what is important? I confess I am a listy person. I write out things that must be done that day because I am otherwise very scatterbrained. And, sometimes (don't laugh at me), I actually have to write PRAY! READ YOUR BIBLE! Why? Because, as Dr. Rogers said this morning, sometimes the urgent elbows out the important. Some might say that's doing it just to cross it off my list. Maybe, at times. But I've never had a day go sour that I didn't first seek Him and let Him take care of all those other things (Matthew 6:33).

In light of this, I had to laugh the other morning when I got up and found this on the kitchen counter -- right next to my list.


I don't know if you can read it. It's Joshua's list and it boils down to this:

1. Snuggle with Mom
2. Visit Grandma & PaPa
3. Watch tv
4. Go to school
5. Play
6. Go to church

With the exception of watching tv, I'm likin' it! Of course, my favorite is #1. Hopefully his tyrannical urgent doesn't elbow out his "important" anytime soon! I could take a lesson....
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Anonymous said...

I love it - your reflections and Joshua's "to do" list. I have never thought of putting prayer and Bible reading on a "to do" list, but I will try it and see if I am more disciplined with the important things in my life.
Love you,

kirsten said...

too cute!

liesel said...

What a blessed mama you are....

tucker belton said...

ok jen i created a web site for my mom (Aunt B) only she doesn't know. so the sites's url is: http://sites.google.com/site/beltonbarn/ if you want to visit you can but it is still in the construction stages, thoght you might want to know.
one more thing, dont approve this commet for "publication" unless you want to ruin the supprise. yes she reads your blog