Monday, December 8, 2008

All I Want For Christmas Is....

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liesel said...

I can't believe how he timed that one! He looks adorable, by the way!

Jill said...


Anonymous said...

Too funny!

I just popped on by because I saw your comment on Ashley's page. WE MISSED YOU! Come visit us soon!

kirsten said...

Jen, somehow in my computer expertise, I left a comment from this post on Liesel's blog....don't ask, I don't get it either:0

Anonymous said...

What a cutie-pie. But how is he going to be able to eat Christmas cookies?!?!?!

Lynn Dorval said...

Lauren looked exactly the same last year!! It was so cute!! Have fun hearing all I want for Christmas..for a while!!

Morgan said...

He is just the sweetest! I love it when both teeth come out at once...just wish we could see him in person!

Laurie said...

Lovely blog!! I can't believe he's loosing teeth, now! You haven't changed a bit ;)! I signed up for a blog - Tulipan Farm - just about everyone I know has one by now, but I am sadly technologically, um, slow. So bear with me. I just posted a pic, but am too tired to write anything tonight - yawn :0. Catch up with you soon!

-Laurie Tolson Zsom