Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I can't believe it's already been a year since we went home for my youngest sibling's wedding. Sean & Amanda are celebrating their first anniversary and chose the most romantic place in the world to celebrate -- our house! Ok, we were a stop-off to the most romantic place in the world, but we were still so happy they wanted to visit us!


Josh was so excited, he set his watch to their ETA and went nuts until they finally came down the road (he was waiting outside for them).


They brought their cake to share. To make it special, I got out our great-grandmother's pink, flowery dishes to eat on and pink cloth napkins to delicately dab our mouths with. I love an opportunity to use that stuff! Greg and I didn't get to eat our cake's top layer for our first anniversary because about six months after our wedding we sat around one night craving something sweet and decided there was something really good sitting in our freezer. Please don't tell anybody that.


We took them all over our area and showed them why it's so great to live here. Greg put on his best sales pitch about why they should consider moving. Amanda pointed out that we tried that before, and left her high and dry about 2 weeks after she finally moved close to Memphis. Oops!


I'm super-proud of my sister and brother-in-law. They are really starting out right -- loving the Lord and each other with wisdom that doesn't possibly fit their age. They are swimming hard against the current of young America but are achieving the very thing that evades their worldly peers -- happiness. You go, guys!
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kirsten said...

Love to hear young couples starting off right.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what great pictures too. I wish I could have been there to celebrate. Lots of love, Carolyn.

Amanda said...

Yea! We finally made it on the blog, I feel like I have arrived.
We had the best time with you all.