Friday, October 30, 2009

Fall, I Was Unfaithful To You


I flirted with Spring. It had been a long winter and I was thirsty for some color and the warmth of the sun. Pinks, yellows, lavenders and delicate whites popped out on that new green canvas and I caved to it. I seriously let Spring contend with me for my favorite season spot. What can I say? I lost my head.

Oh, but Fall, you are back in all your glory! You know, you do this to me every time. Your first northerly breeze floods me with all the joys that parade behind -- vibrant colors, burning wood, football (and the food that goes with it), kids playing in crunchy leaves, scarves, pumpkins, Yankee candles, being "boo-ed" by your neighbors... (sigh)

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have winked at that 'other' season. Yeah, it's ok, but YOU are the best! Will you forgive me?
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KiwiObserver said...

Autumn is without doubt my favourite season. The other day, Anna's Bambi DVD had one of those "Extras" sections with a quiz, "What season are you?"

I answered the vague, sometimes obtuse questions, and sure enough, I am Autumn. Anna is Summer. James is Spring. I was impressed at the level or accuracy! I'm also happy to read that you love autumn as much as I do. Autumn in America, with football, homecoming, pumpkin patches, deciduous hardwood forests...

Charissa said...

You always did love fall for as long as I've known you.

Amanda said...

I remember feeling the same way last spring, it was glorious after the long cold winter. However, fall has always been my favorite. This year though has been disappointing- we have had so much rain the leaves are already falling off the trees and every day has been dreary. Fall better get better or spring is looking like a good contender. However nothing beats getting out the sweaters, pumpkin candles, and some Florida football.

Anonymous said...

(Use of all caps intentional!!!!)