Monday, November 2, 2009

When I was a kid, one year my Mom made 'Little Red Riding Hood & The Big Bad Wolf' costumes for me and my brother. I enjoyed it then but I appreciate it even more now that we did our own real constructive costume for the first time. We started by collecting various sized boxes and cannister lids. Then we measured (even protracted!), cut, taped, then spray-painted. Here's Joshua doing the coveted painting job.


Then we had to wait for everything to dry. In the meantime, Greg & Josh carved out our one, prized, home-grown pumpkin. Greg set it up very cute at the front door and I wish I would have gotten a picture of it! Guess I still can... You'll have to wait for that one.


After all our hard work, dark-thirty, Halloween night could not get here fast enough! Here's the finished product. Can you guess what he is?


Josh, his good friend and neighbor Bradley (the Ninja Guy!), and my neice, Kierstin, all went trick-or-treating together. They were so cute and we had so much fun! I am kicking myself that I didn't get a picture with Kierstin in it. She was the most adorable ladybug you've ever seen - very fitting for her!


We'll have a stomach-ache for days from all our loot. If I ration one piece of candy a day, I think I just may get us through to this time next year. And all the while we'll be thinking of what new costume we want to start working on...
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Debra said...

Now that's an original costume! He'll remember making that memory forever. Congrats on your home-grown pumpkin too! :) Our pumpkin plant didn't grow a single one.

Ashley said...

what a great costume! that 1st picture of him looks like--Mom, why are you making me do this! Love it!

Amy Wages said...

Great job, guys!!

Charissa said...

Cute, Jennifer. Was Greg really enjoying sticking his hand in the pumpkin and squishing the seeds around?

kirsten said...

very cute!

Anonymous said...

I love it. Josh makes a great "Lego-man." How creative!! So what is he going to be next year?!?!?! Have you thought of a spider or a turtle?
Love, Mom
P. S. You were a very cute Little Red Riding Hood!