Friday, February 6, 2009

Stinkin Hibiscus

In all the ice mess I also had another tree nose to the ground but this one I was a little giddy over. Now, if I were Catholic and you were a priest, this would be confession time. Though I don't take to hugging them often I do love trees -- except one. My hibiscus tree. I hate that tree. I don't have a picture of it humbled on the terra firma because, why would I use memory space on a tree I don't like? Ok, this is where it gets ugly, Father. In its pitiful desperation, crying for relief from the inches of ice weight, I got on my big hiking boots and kicked it. Yes, I kicked the snot out of it. I'm so ashamed.

For you greenies out there, rest assured that IT DID NOT WORK! Lo, it stands today very proud and straight. It's a vengeful sort of tree that will, no doubt, pay me back for this by dumping even more large, squishy, rotted flowers on my front walk. I guess we'll just have to learn to get along together. Now, how many Hail Marys is that?


liesel said...

I can just picture that. You are hysterical.

kirsten said...

Although completely unrelated, it reminds me of the time my mom made me go to confession. I entered the small confessional...and began..."forgive me father, for I have sinned, it's been 3 years since my last confession..." I know what he was thinking, Three years???? I had also forgotten one of the prayers your supposed to have memorized....I was such a bad catholic.
I hope you make peace w/ your tree....

Jill said...

Jen, this post made me laugh out loud! I can just SEE you doing it. Hilarious!! I miss you!!