Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Do You See That?!?


I feel like getting on a horse and riding through the streets like Paul Revere, shouting, "Spring is coming! Spring is coming!" What does my picture have to do with that? Well, this is a north facing room. And starting in the fall, there is no natural light, no warmth at all. I don't even go in there, until.....this happens! This is the second year in a row that, after seeing these little streams of light emerge, it actually made me catch my breath and clap my hands! It's the second year in a row that I've gone and placed my hands on the warmth and sighed with a little twittering of hope. Do you do crazy things like this or do I need seasonal Prozac??
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Jill said...

Prozac sounds lovely at times, but truthfully, you don't need it sister. Seeing the sun streaming through the window is like hearing the birdies chirp.
hurray for spring! er...except we were under a winter storm advisory today....ratz

Anonymous said...

We here in Florida have a similar reaction when the temperatures drop below 70. We clap our hands together and say, "Winter is coming! Get out the sweaters and jackets!"
Love you,

Anonymous said...

I am surprised that you didn't draw the Son...sun analogy. It is remarkable what joy seeing the sun will bring, particularly in winter, or when you don't have a dryer for cloth nappies (as was often the case here when Anna was a little younger). I totally agree with you, and don't ever remember caring about the inclination of the sun in the sky when I grew up in Florida... OoOoOo Carolyn

kirsten said...

no Prozac needed, I'm right there w/ you....we've had sun for the last few days and it's been lovely, lovely...buds on the trees, but oh, here comes the rain!

Ashley said...

NO WAY! I always want to have a "Welcome Spring Party", plant flowers, buy short sleeves, wear flipflops, and pull out the self tanner on the first warm and sunny day of March!!