Monday, February 9, 2009

No Thanks, Valentine's Day

You know, I never have been a big fan of Valentine's Day. Something about having to drum up the romantic notions just seems kind of insincere to me. It's great that those who love the lovelies get a day like this but I would rather not fight the crowds at the restaurants or waste $50 on jacked-up roses. Lest you think I'm made of stone, I DO like a thoughtful gift on a non-required day! Take for example a recent day at work that left me in tears by lunchtime. I was ready to quit by the time I drug myself home later that day. What a lift my spirit got when I walked in the kitchen and saw this:


What a sweet husband I have! We will probably do some sort of corny, fun, family thing next week. And just knowing I have a couple of real special guys with me will be all the cupid I need!
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