Thursday, February 26, 2009

Broken Hair


This is every morning right here. It started the morning of May 5, 2001, shortly after midnight. I thought my poor little newborn just needed a good hairwashing, but then it was just sweet and fuzzy -- and still sticking straight up. When he was about 2 1/2 years old I found him standing in his crib fresh up from a good nap, hair justa' everywhere. He looked so cute, I had to giggle and ask him, "Joshy, what happened to your hair?" He pointed to the top of his head and said, "It's broken."

Greg has Native American heritage so he decided that in the spirit of 'Eagle Wing' or 'Tender Foot' and the like, his little papoose would bear the name 'Broken Hair' (just in case you've ever heard us use that term of endearment:)). In morning snuggles I also hear them joke about how many survivors were left in the F3 tornado that must have blown through his bed. Over the years it's become one of my favorite features. My not-so-little-anymore Broken Hair....I sure do love you.
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Anonymous said...

One of the simple things of life,

Marlita said...

I have one of those too, except mine is called "Pelo Quebrado"
What do you do to tame it? I usually spray Sebastian's hair with a water bottle, but he doesn't like it. Any ideas for me? He has some curl to his and it looks nice when I can wet it then put gel or mousse in it, but he doesn't like me messing with his hair.
Today someone complimented his hair and he rolled his eyes to the lady.

jennifer... said...

Marlita, wetting it is all I can do, too.  Also, keeping it really short or really long on top helps.  Fortunately, Josh doesn't care what I do to it.  I would think curly hair would make it even easier to hide(?)  Sebastian IS adorable, by the way!

Anonymous said...

One of the many wonderful things about your little "Broken Hair" is that he has accepted his "fraility" with grace and humor. How I love that boy (or should I say, "How I love that young Indian boy!")
(Ugh, you needum Brill Cream!)

liesel said...

You think Josh has hair issues? Come over and take a look at Ava's! :)

Jill said...

ryan seacrest would be jealous

RoverHaus said...

Some of us, at near 40 years of age, would be thankful for any kind of hair, broken or not.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard that story before. So cute. I can't wait for Hannah's words of wisdom.

Amy Wages said...

I've always loved his characteristic hair. Evie needs to include that in her next portrait....along with the "sprinkles."

kirsten said...

very cute...we have a boy w/ hair quite similar, but his nickname turned out to be "shrimp fried rice".... not related to the hair issue.

tucker belton said...

that funny cause i wake up every morning and my hair looks the same way

Morgan said...

He is on his way to being the lead singer in the next boy band. "baby, bye, bye, bye." He is CUTE!slater

Laurie said...

Oh, the Broken Hair :)! What a sweet Daddy and little boy story. My oldest is the hair wreck boy - but helps me realize he's still my little guy when I see that face under the mop every morning, sigh...

Hope your "bad day" I read about at Kirsten's is better. My last job the educator was always on me - like a personal vendetta thing. I went nights :(.