Wednesday, September 24, 2008

You know, its funny, several months back when I was watching all my friends' cute little blogs I thought, "There's no way I could do one of those. What would I blog about? Asking Josh for the 11th time to brush his teeth? Greg's arrival home from work in the evening? Driving in the car to Wal Mart?" We just really aren't very exciting people. That's ok, isn't it? There's blessing in not living life on the autobahn all the time, stroking out over the stresses of having too much to balance, right? If you agree with that then you'll forgive me for my latest stretches between posts. If I had secret camera man I would hire him to take pictures of our long talks with the neighbors while sitting under the trees of our front yards, the frequent walks we take in the mornings and cool evenings we're having, or the snuggle times the three of us have on our Friday night family slumber parties. Life will pick back up again but for now, not too exciting is alright with me.


liesel said...

I'm sure there are some speedometer drawings you could blog about.

Juls said...

Sometimes even the not so exciting and stressful times are worth blogging about too.