Saturday, September 27, 2008

Home Improvements

Do you just love the design on our bedroom wall? I suppose it was missing something in the way of local art and asymmetry -- at least according to Joshua. I think he needs a job on HGTV.

On a sadder note, I finally got my trees and it looks like they're dying. This is not good. You see, I suffer, as many do, with the winter blahs and this was going to be my happy green. The landscaper assures me he will gladly replace them if they do go to tree heaven. I hope so because, as much as I LOVE fall, it never lasts long enough, you know?
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Juls said...

Beautiful art!!! As far as the trees go...most trees go through a dying off period after being transplanted...I think they will be okay:)
Love you,

liesel said...

Why don't you show him a better way to put all that scotch tape to use......KNOW WHAT I MEAN????? And then post some pictures for me! :)

As far as the winter blues, you could always come down here to see some green scum in my pond.

kirsten said...

Oh, come to Seattle and celebrate your winter blahs w/ least its green, even if the sky is gray. The coffee is always good....and I miss my friends so much, I could just cry sometimes:(
By the way, Walmart, morning walks, long talks w/ neighbors, husbands, and friends, have given us some really funny memories. Just ask Charissa's kids to go to Walmart w/ you so they can point out quirky things about people really loud! So, I'm just saying your life is interesting and funny to me, and I'm sorry this is so long! :) miss you....