Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

We went to a baseball game for our local pro team a couple weeks ago and it was ok. The organ music, the hotdog smell and the cheers make it fun but, really, the game is not that exciting. There's about 10 minutes between each bat-cracking so you end up spending more time catching up in the conversation with your friends than you do watching the game. An hour goes by and before you know it - you're in the second inning. Yawn

BUT, somewhere in the neighborhood there's a little league game going on and THAT'S fun! I LOVE watching 7 & 8 year-olds play baseball where there is not a dull moment to be had. No, they don't hit the ball and run to third base anymore but they are still the cutest things in the world! Getting a bit of skill and a good grasp of the game now makes this a nail-biting and come-up-out-of-your-seat-screaming (in a good way) type of experience. And they are still so transparent....a strike-out often results in slumped shoulders, chin in the chest, dragging the bat behind while trying not to cry, while getting a second-base hitter might mean jumping up and down on the base and waving to Mom. I bet the Cardinals don't do that, and I say, too bad for the fans that they don't!




If the evening news gets you in knots then turn it off one night and head to a city ballpark. The sun is setting and a cool breeze is blowing, families are together rooting for each other, and the free entertainment is priceless!
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kirsten said...

too cute, wow he's growing

Anonymous said...

I had no idea Josh played baseball! He is too cute!

Anonymous said...

If you think baseball is boring, you should try watching cricket. If you're lucky, it's a 1-day game that lasts 8 hours. If you aren't lucky, your husband/son will drag you to a 3 or 5 day test match. After 10 years, I still don't understand the rules. I do like the fact, though, that the players stop for morning and afternoon tea breaks. Love, Carolyn

Ashley said...

i can't wait to watch Caleb playing sports; joshua looks so cute!