Monday, June 22, 2009

Derby With Dad Day

We spent Father's Day at Greg's favorite place and it just so happened that they were hosting a pine derby race for anyone who might want to participate. We didn't know anything about this hobby before yesterday but it really sounded like fun so we paid our $25 dollars and put our name in. Why not? So Joshua picked out a raw wooden car and he and Dad had fun modifying it, painting it and greasing it up really good. Josh wanted a giant '8' on the hood because.....he's 8 of course! (Contrary to what you may assume, we are really NASCAR ignorant).



Classic movie, underdog moment: As we show up to register and display our car, kids and their dad's start walking in with their high-tech, specially boxed-up, snobby, experienced cars. We kicked in with the parent pep-talk stuff of "Remember how much fun we had making the car.", "You're a winner to us, no matter what!", and "I love this car so much, do you mind if I keep it forever and give it to your own kids someday?" You know. I think I also told him that the prizes were really stinky. Who wants a deck of race car Old Maid cards?

Well, that #8 car won the 1st heat and - spoiler alert - ended up taking 3rd overall!!


I think we were both kind of teary! We couldn't have been more proud if he had taken first. It WAS fun spending the time together making that car, I AM keeping it forever and I DO plan on playing alot of Old Maid soon.....
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Anonymous said...

Jen, Does this mean that you are gradually turning into a "car girl"?? Mom

kirsten said...

Adorable!!!! Love it! Makes me smile thinking of you as a "Derby Mom"

Anonymous said...

Funny how LOVE just makes things run better!!!

Amy Wages said...

That is so much fun! What a perfect activity for those car-lovin' boys! My brother used to do the pinewood derby stuff with boy scouts when he was young. They get so into it! :)

Jill said...

how fun was THAT?? Like a good little blogger, you have your camera at the ready. Nice job. Now we all get to enjoy the win with you! What cute pictures you take, always.
Hey...I left an award for you on my blog...yah-go, girlfriend. Love ya.