Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Camping Part I

We enjoyed a chance to get away this last weekend. It began by "camping" with Greg's parents and brother. We use the word camping loosely because the trailer they have is anything but having to rough it. The camping terminology is more in the fact that we are in the middle of nature, by the lake, and do cook our meat over open fire. Also, there's a lot of this:


You wouldn't know that these three have highly stressful jobs. Or maybe you would by the fact that, once given the opportunity to sit and not think, they don't really move from these positions - like turtles sunning on a rock. It's the best kind of therapy! What they were watching at this particular moment was a curious little kid....


....collecting these things.


Poor salamander. There was also a very large snake that, unfortunately, did not make the approved list of keepers.

The dogwoods and redbuds were in full bloom and the water was clean and blue. It was a perfect beginning to a really restful weekend!
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Anonymous said...

Loved the comment about Turtles sunning on a rock, reminds me of camping and canoe trips on the Florida rivers where most of the wildlife seen was Turtles sunning on rocks and logs. Nature is the best stress reliever in the World!!

Jill said...

you are the best blogger I know. You have such great little stories with great photos....if I didn't recoginze your family members, I'd swear you swiped your pictures from clip art. Sounds (and looks)like a fabulous weekend.

Debra said...

I'm lovin your blog! I didn't know you had one. Little boys just have to collect things when they camp, don't they? Too sweet.