Monday, April 13, 2009

Glorious Day

How long have I been a follower of Jesus? I don't know but it's been a long time. Have you ever been around an older person that wants to tell you the same story all the time? Out of respect, you smile and pretend you haven't heard this one before but you're tempted to be a little impatient about it? I can't explain this but every year, on Easter morning, I hear the same story -- and it means more to me every time. The ending makes me want to jump up and cheer like I've never heard it before! It's the story of how a perfect, holy God loved a flawed and hopeless world. As I type this next sentence I'm tearing up again (boy does this underscore what I'm trying to say). God's remedy for our brokenness was to essentially say, "Pick Me". He volunteered Himself to take every beating for every single wrong mankind has ever and will ever commit. I'm not too proud to admit that I have participated in some of those wrongs. I've never been bent on doing evil but I do, without a split second of thought, know that I need Jesus! He became my Savior a long time ago and continues to save me every day. That story is personal to me.

Because Greg's Dad is a Pastor and they live fairly close, we went to their church Sunday. It was such a sweet service. The message was given better than I think I've ever heard it. The whole family gathered at their house afterward.


My two nieces were too delicious! Oh, was Joshua proud to be hangin' with such cuties! Olivia has a word now - it's 'Josh'.


It was rainy and cold so we did an inside egg hunt. I dropped the ball on remembering a basket but Grandma had one! A PINK ONE!!


And, for the big meal, I, Pedro, built a cake - from scratch! First time, ever. Isn't that sad?


Happy Easter -- every day!
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liesel said...

I am crying at the thought of it too. Thanks for sharing.

kirsten said...

well said. you have a good way w/ words:)
and congrats. on the cake....looks yummy!
and, Olivia is a toddler??? no way!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought about being a Sunday school teacher? You have such a gift for sharing God's word, and an obvious love for children. I took Anna to a nice Good Friday service and we did the procession of the cross. I wish there was a good preschool child-friendly book telling the Easter story. I found many at Christmas, because a baby story is so much easier to tell...suggestions?

Ashley said...

How awesome is His grace??? Happy Late Easter!! Your family picture is BEAUTIFUL!!!

tucker belton said...

how cool. Julie's and Audra's little wons were here for Easter, and we had an egg hunt, it was fun