Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Meaningless, Meaningless

I was driving down the road today with the sunroof open, listening to Brad Paisley, popping chocolate-covered almonds, thinking that my long-standing favorite season (fall) was getting a good run for it's money with all these splashes of spring green, when I thought to myself, "Why do guys always refer to each other by their last names?". Niether I, nor any of my girlfriends do that.

Solomon forgot that one, didn't he?


Anonymous said...

I'm sure Solomon addressed it; it must have been one of those passages that was cut out of the sanctified Scriptures because it had no relevence - or perhaps because it contradicted the passage out of Proverbs 32 that says, "A humble man surrounds himself with those who recognize the value of a meaningful first name."
Mom :-)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it goes back to man's longing to be a warrior and to fight because in the military they refer to everyone by their last names; maybe it makes men feel tougher in the civilian world =)

Tami said...

That reminds me of this little gem my dad sent me today. One of the many reasons guys have more fun:

If Laura, Kate and Sarah go out for lunch, they will call each other Laura, Kate and Sarah.
If Mike, Dave and John go out, they will refer to each other as Fat Boy, Godzilla and Four-eyes.

Hope it made you laugh, Banks.