Joshua and I have Bible and prayer time together every morning and this continues to get deeper and richer as his heart grows with his head (I passionately encourage both -- the one is useless without the other). Yesterday we prayed for our Nation and for Christians to be filled with wisdom and discernment concerning elections in November. This led to quite a discussion:
Josh: "Why can't George Bush stay there forever?"
Me: "Because it's not his turn anymore. Eight years is as long as anyone gets."
Josh: "Why?"
Me: Explanation
Josh: "Why does it matter who gets to be President?"
Me: LENGTHY explanation! Hard to do with a short attention span.
Josh: "Can I be President?"
Me: "Of course you could. If that's what God wants you to do then you need to do it. You follow Him and He will help you."
(Keep in mind that a few months ago he was pretty sure God wanted him to fly a rocket ship. He said he would give us a ride and he might let Daddy drive it a bit.)
Josh: "I think God might want me to be President but now I don't know what to do because I think he also wants me to be an inventor. I need to make that remote control car." (He's been lately having a hard time falling asleep at night because of all his design ideas).
He thought awhile and finally decided.
"I guess I need to figure out which one Daddy would want to do with me."
I'm sure I don't have to tell you how Daddy loved that one....
precious, precious that boy!
I can't wait to see what the Lord does in his life...He's already doing wonderful things through him!
Joshua for President 2040!!!! We sill start campaigning now!!:)
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