Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thank You God

I saved this one because it's about something I love in my son. He sees God in everything. The blessings of nature unfolding are not lost on him. The fascinating function of God's creation is simply thrilling. It is, isn't it? While I watched the birds building their nest I thought, how do they know the safe location, the appropriate materials, the perfect engineering skills for building such an architectural design? They didn't go to school for that, and, far from statistical probability, evolution did not happen to make all those cogs fit together. All the world is spinning with ease on His little finger and there for the wonder and enjoyment of a 7-year-old. I love that about my Keeper. He and Joshua have quite a relationship; God gives caterpillars and Joshua goes to stare and to give his and their Creator a sincere prayer of thanks. So, as I marvel through the eyes of a mother, I too say from the bottom of my heart..."Thank You God".
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liesel said...

Oh Jennifer, what a great picture for a great post. You'll have to charge me a quarter for crying.

Amy Wages said...

I love Him and him.