Monday, June 21, 2010

What's In My Purse...

I've been tagged by my friend Ashley to share what's in my sacred purse -- a territory otherwise off limits to the general public. To start, I had to figure out which one to highlight from the sum total of my inventory:


I zeroed in on the one I used most recently, which was this one.


This is my favorite because it was made by my Grandma. Isnt' it so cute? She sells these (and lots of other crafty things) and puts her little tag on them at her fairs. Now you can call her with an order!


The contents here reflect that we had just been to a baseball game. Greg's cousin plays for who our visiting team was. I brought the Sharpie so he could sign Josh's baseball glove. He did, and the game was a blast! So glad I was given the opportunity to do some purse-sharing just so I could remember our evening. Thanks, Ashley!


And speaking of baseball...
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Anonymous said...

Greg has more stuff than that in his Man Bag!!!

Anonymous said...

Are those hand sanitizers I see ?!?!
ILY, Mom