Tuesday, April 20, 2010

25 Years


That's how long GiGi and I have been friends. I will never forget the first day I met her. I was 14 or 15 and she was so pretty and intelligent and VERY outspoken. We were best friends, like, the next day. Wherever one of us was, there was the other one until I left for college. We went on with our lives and made new friends and forged new paths, but have never, ever needed re-acquainting. Every time we see each other it's a scream and a hug and instant kindredness! It's funny that you can still have an unbelievable amount in common after so long and over such distance. I love who she is, what she stands for, her wife and mother wisdom, and the family they all are.

When we visited over spring break, I saw a little re-enactment of us in our kids. As soon as we arrived at their house, our children were off and playing like they'd known each other all their lives. I loved it!


I was digging around in my purse the other day and found this little note from her daughter, Ana...

Thank you for coming Mrs. Banks and Joshua!
Love, Ana

Made my day. Can't wait to see you again, Ana!
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Unknown said...

Wonderful blog.

I love those friendships. It's nice to have a piece of your childhood to hold onto always. It sort of reinforces who you are and where you came from.

Jill said...

GiGi!!!! AHHHH!

Ok seriously though....it's not FAIR that you two look like YOU DID WHEN WE WERE IN HIGH SCHOOL!!
So totally not fair.
My first thought was, "I wonder if she still paints her perfect nails that smashing red?"
I was always so jealous.
Sooooooo nice to see your beautiful faces again.
Love you both.

kirsten said...

I remember GiGi at your wedding, and thinking she would be a great friend to have, very fun. So happy you both had each other 25 years- what precious memories.