Monday, August 31, 2009

Not So Fast, Football Season!

I did say that our pro baseball team was a little less exciting than our Little League but I do still like watching a really good game. Saturday night was perfect weather and the home team was smokin'! We had no idea Greg's parents were there until they showed up on the big screen - hand-over-heart, singing the National Anthem. According to me, the real bonus of the evening was the fact that they had extra good, extra seats!


To Joshua, however, the highlights of the night were of entirely different matter. What's that he's looking at, you ask? The crickets he found, of course.


And then there was the petting zoo. Of the exotic birds, the monkey, the lemur, the pigs, and the snake, the dearest of all was this tortoise. I really thought he was going to fall on his knees and beg me to bring it home with us. Missed a good homerun hanging out here watching a turtle.....


By the end of the night we'd had a few juicy, carcinogenic hotdogs, yelled and laughed, and won a really fun game. Oh, and PaPa also caught a t-shirt from the mascot.


It ALMOST fits -- could've probably stashed a good turtle in there, come to think of it.
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Ashley said...

a true boy--loving bugs and animal life. Hope ya'll are doing well...if you don't already know ask amy about the changes in our class.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is.... I just love that boy!!!

Anonymous said...

How cute. I must say I would have been distracted by the petting zoo too.
Nothing like some carcinogenic hot dogs to top off the perfect night =) I love you!

Robyn said...

Hey, Jennifer! Just happened upon your blog...your stories crack me up!

Hope the school year is off to a great start.