Monday, September 22, 2014

One Year

Fall is here! It is in theory at least (this is Texas). This time last year our life was in upheaval while we were buying and selling homes in different states and living in a small apartment. We moved into our new home at the end of October so I did not bother to decorate for the season. I almost didn't bother to put up a Christmas tree a month later (moving is hard!). I am happy to say that we have survived our first year and it just feels good to be back in a place of contentment. We have survived many obstacles along the way and victory takes on many forms. For me, one of those trophies of God's grace in my life is having a heart of joy. Though I've shed many tears, He has kept my heart afloat and given me strength to help my family, as the move has been especially hard on Greg and Joshua. Recently, we decided to take turns asking each other what our favorite day, breakfast, dream car, vacation spot, etc. was. It was such a fun, spontaneous thing to do and we later realized that that day was our favorite since moving here. A bit of a surmounting. Rounding the bend of "One Year" is a good place to be and I am so thankful that we have all grown in many sweet ways. In celebration of the spiritual season we have arrived to, I want my favorite yearly season to decorate our home. One thing I love so much is putting together a lovely tablescape! In Arkansas, I was able to use fall-colored cuttings from the trees, flowers, and bushes from our yard pretty early in the season. Since I don't want to wait until November to bring the outdoors in, I settled for faux this year. I also love to put subtle touches of the season (no tacky witches, skeletons, or spider webs!) here and there around the house and - the best! - top it all off with the wonderful scent of mulling spices. Oh, heaven… Speaking of heaven, I am acutely aware of how significant and fleeting the time is with my family. Even in the hardest times, there is such value in stepping out and looking in at what God is doing. As we sat down with our delivery pizza Saturday night, watching the Razorbacks creme Northern Illinois, cheering and being silly together, I thanked the Lord in my heart for His blessings. Made even sweeter with the aroma of cinnamon and nutmeg in the background...

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