Friday, July 23, 2010

Summer in 3-D


I guess we'll never again get to go to a movie without having to wear these stupid glasses. You're suppose to be enjoying the effects they give you as you're watching all the excitement, but as they keep slipping down your nose, you can't help but wonder, do they really clean these between uses? Anyway, let me warn you if you haven't already seen Toy Story III -- if you have a child/children growing in your home faster that you can swallow the transpiration of, these glasses actually help disguise the ugly cry that comes with watching this incredibly emotionally manipulative movie. Usually I'm not such a sucker. The song "Christmas Shoes" makes me roll my eyes and switch stations. Hallmark movies, oh my goodness, they have no subtlety whatsoever (Come on! At least make me like your characters before they die, have a baby, fall in love, etc. -- all the usual tricks). Toy Story, however, broad-sided me. My shirt was wet. Joshua was looking over at me asking, "What's wrong with you?"

"Despicable Me" was much more merciful. All three of us enjoyed that one together. I SURE wouldn't have wanted to see Greg do the ugly cry! We left him at work for that other one...
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Anonymous said...

I agree. I saw both movies and, while I was un-nerved by certain scenes in Toy Story III, I totally enjoyed Despicable Me.

Both movies, however, had wonderful endings!!!

LLoovvee yyoouu,
(You may have to use your special glasses to read those last two lines.) XXOO

Jill said...

Your mom's hilarious! (yyyyess she iiiiss) and so is the photo! I totally barf over Christmas Shoes too. Sadly, I am now stuck with the wretched melody for the balance of the evening.