Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sweet Stuff


Joshua loooves his baby cousins! He would cast his vote for a kidnapping of either one of them. Kierstin visited the other night and entertained us with all her new tricks.


There's been a pattern over the years that I only seem to take pictures/video footage of Greg while he's lounging around, horizontal on the couch. We joke that he's holding out for that management job. I also have a lot of the boys together which has prompted me to say more than once that someday I'll finally scrapbook and call it "My Life With Dad". Lately Josh's life with Dad has had to match. If Greg isn't already in his pj pants, Josh will find out which ones he plans on wearing later so he can coordinate. Greg loves it! They tell me all the time how they're gonna be best friends forever. Oh, I hope so.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know I've sung this song before; but it's time to sing it again.
In (B-flat) everyone all together now - "You're a blessed woman Jennifer Banks"
