Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy Birthday!!

Joshua turned 9 a couple weeks ago. As the age goes up, the party size goes down, but seems to be much more fun. This year he just had a few of his best buds (one came later). They're good boys -- and really funny! I feel like I'm getting a little taste of some years to come.... but we won't get there any faster than we have to!!


The Nerf gun Josh got from his friend, Bradley, ended up being snuck away from the stash by Greg. An all out assault ensued! I tried to get more pictures, but every kid is just a blur of bravely running away!


Later, we took the boys for another battle -- this time with laser tag! It looks like Elliot forgot to shave...


The grand finale was what Joshua was dying to do and that was to ride the "adult" go-karts. I think the "adult" really liked it too!


Can't believe my baby is this old. Fortunately, my sister-in-law gave us a REAL baby just a few days later! He'll be headlining next...:)
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Anonymous said...

Congratulation to the new momma and daddy for the new addition to the family. What's the little guy's name? Is momma OK? Spill the beans..... Mom

KiwiObserver said...

Happy belated Birthday to my nature-loving-nephew. I love the photos of his party. Those boys looks TOO funny and maybe a little bit mischievous.