Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm so sorry. I don't know what's wrong with my pictures. I will keep trying and hopefully will have some new stuff soon. So much life and so little knowledge of technology!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Can You See It Now?

I don't know what happened to the picture in the last post. Hopefully it took this time.


Family subtraction and addition updates coming up next!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Vital Signs

It's been another long winter that we're happily emerging from. An absence from posting usually means business as usual in life, or it feels like I've written that one already. Sometimes I really get a thought brewing but I don't want to make a pot-stirring editorial page out of my family blog space. Then, other times, it's just laziness and your mother has to tell you she's tired of looking at the snow fort...

Thanks again, Mom! This one is for you and the other 2 or 3 that read here occasionally.


This I found on the kitchen table after I dropped off Josh at school this morning. It's his personal gauges. If you can't discern what all he's measuring, it's tank levels (food and hydration), mood, and energy levels. From my assessment, he was satisfied with his breakfast and went to school in a good mood, with adequate energy. Good to know. If only we all had visible gauges, people would know whether to stick around and join our company or not, right?

Just please don't suggest to him the possibility of a "yuck-o-meter". I already get enough grief over the food I put in his 'tank'...

Friday, February 11, 2011


If you detected any weaknesses in our securtiy before....
'd be wise to re-think your fire now.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Budding Photographer

For those of you who laugh at our Micky Mouse dustings, I'll have you know we got a genuine snow today! So proud to prove it, I asked Josh to go out and take a picture of it for me.

So he did.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

That Mysterious Guy


We were in Tulsa over the weekend for a wedding. Greg & I used to live in Tulsa (me for 8 years). We weren't even married a year before Greg's job moved us to Memphis. It was hard to leave, but some good friends thoughtfully gave us a snow globe with the city of Tulsa in it. It plays the song, 'Oklahoma!'. I have always treasured it. Even though Josh has never lived there, he's always liked it too and wondered about the things inside it. Whenever we visit, we point out the buildings and landmarks that are featured in the globe. One item of curiousity has frequently been that little guy standing out front. I've explained that he's not little. He's huge. That's why he's in there.

So, this time we met him.... The Driller!


I think he gets it now.
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