Friday, October 15, 2010

'For Sale or Lease'


I kid you not, that's what the sign says on this "structure". I know times are tough, but I had no idea our hungry builders had taken to cutting these kinds of corners. So sorry the picture's not clearer. Greg doesn't always feel its as urgently necessary as I do to ensure material for photographic commentary.:)

And yet another reminder of how countrified we're getting? On a recent trip to Tulsa, we were strolling on the sidewalk in the center of downtown and Joshua asked (in awe), "Are we in New York City?!?". Poor child.
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1 comment:

Tami said...

Pretty much every sentence of this post is funny.

One time we took my mom to this restaurant in Midtown and when she got out of the car she said, in a similarly awed tone, "So this is Midtown." and we have never let her live it down. Hilarious.