Thursday, June 3, 2010

Catching The Big One


These nice-lookin' fellas love to go fishing. They never, ever, ever catch anything worth keeping which makes me wonder what the draw is, but I've heard it's relaxing and I imagine there's alot of male bonding that goes on (although they wouldn't put it that way). It might be peaceful and all, but I stayed about 5 minutes to take pictures and said "See you later!" Bug bites and car talk for me are the converse of dragging them to the fabric store.


So, once again, they didn't exactly see fish BUT...

Eventually the trip netted the better thing.



Isn't it just adorable? This one and it's sibling now live with us and Tiny (our other little turtle). We can't tell if it's just an ordinary snapper or the more rare (and fine-able) alligator snapper. Anyone an expert???

Josh recently told me he'd like to work for the NWF. After I told him "But you don't wrestle", he clarified, "No, it's the National Wildlife Federation!" Ah-ha. That makes much more sense...
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kirsten said...

love it:)

Jon S. said...

Looks like an Alligator Snapper. See link below for additional info. I had one growing up for about 10 years didn't know it was a fine-able offense.