Thursday, April 29, 2010

Professor Maurer

That may be what she's known as to many Central Florida students, but to us, she's Mom... and Grammy. We had such a sweet time staying at her house. In the evenings, after Josh would go to bed, Mom and I stayed up with hot tea and peanut M&Ms, talking and watching movies. Joshua had his quality time with Grammy learning new games. They were laughing so hard beating each other! My amazing mother proves that she is just as good at instructing 20-somethings on The Industrial Revolution as she is at teaching an 8-year-old to play cards...




My Mom is just one of those people you can't help but love! She is wonderful company and we have a lot of interests in common. Her home definitely felt like our home.

Since I'm wrapping up our Spring Break week with this post, I have to include that, as we walked out of sight from Grammy and Pop at the airport, Joshua literally wept into my side. He did NOT want to say good-bye. It broke my heart but made me feel good at the same time, you know? Good thing there was an ice cream place to stop by on the way to our gate. Between licks (and sobs), I asked Josh if he was looking forward to going home to see Daddy. He said "Yes", of course, but he just wished we could bring everyone back with us. So there you go, "everyone". When are you comin'?
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know Josh beat me twice!!! It was a great week - mi casa es su casa! Love you all, Mom